SAN MARCOS, TEXAS – Don’t Doubt Us.
The message couldn’t be clearer from San Marcos CISD Superintendent Dr. Michael Cardona at Thursday’s State of the City & District event.
The event, hosted annually by the San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce, brought together business and community leaders to hear San Marcos Mayor Jane Hughson and Dr. Cardona lay out their vision and future of the City and CISD.
Dr. Cardona began his speech focusing on the accomplishments of the students and athletic teams over the last year before pivoting to the upcoming May 6th bond election.
There are four props on the upcoming election. Prop A, also known as an “Attendance Credit Election,” will ask voters to consider authorizing the SMCISD Board of Trustees to purchase attendance credits from the state with local tax revenue. Voters are being asked to consider this item as SMCISD’s property values have reached a point where the district has entered into recapture, which means the District must make mandatory recapture payments to the TEA. A vote FOR Prop A would allow the district to continue to make mandatory “recapture” payments to the state. If Prop A fails, the school district would be subject to a “Detachment of Territory,” meaning tax dollars from some of San Marcos’ largest employers would be removed permanently from the San Marcos CISD taxing district and sent to a different community in Texas. Additionally, a vote against Prop A will likely mean an increase in taxes on our residents.
Props B, C, and D focus on improvements to the District school and athletic facilities.
The San Marcos Area Chamber Board of Directors has voted to support all four propositions on the upcoming election.
The San Marcos CISD weren’t the only ones who had a busy year. San Marcos Mayor Jane Hughson spent her time on stage boasting the achievements of the City over the past year.
Mayor Hughson highlighted efforts being made to expand housing to residents, a recent trip by city staff and councilmembers to Washington to meet with elected officials and federal agencies, and some recent economic development projects that will come to fruition in the coming years, including the new ‘Hill Country Studios,’ which will represent an investment of over $250 million into San Marcos, and bring nearly 1,500 jobs to our community.
The San Marcos Area Chamber would like to thank Texas Disposal Systems for their support as the presenting sponsor for the State of the City & District event, Freese & Nichols and La Cima for their support as gold sponsors, and the City of San Marcos, San Marcos CISD, Frost Bank and Cobb, Fendley & Associates for being silver sponsors.