San Marcos Chamber of Commerce Endorse ALL propositions in the upcoming May Bond Election

Press Release
For Immediate Release      April 10, 2017                                                                                                                         Media Contact:                  Samantha Brown | 512-393-5906
San Marcos Chamber of Commerce Endorse ALL propositions in the upcoming May Bond Election

 San Marcos, Texas – Today, the San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce announced the organization’s support of San Marcos, Texas’ three bond proposals slated to go before voters on May 6th.

 “The need for the proposed bonds to pass is evident” says San Marcos Chamber Board Chair Monica Malorgio McNabb.  “The City of San Marcos and San Marcos CISD have put together broad, fiscally-responsible proposals to address the growing needs of our community, including public safety, overcrowding, education and literacy. The Chamber Board of Directors voted unanimously to support passage of all bonds.”

“The San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce recognizes that the state of our schools, city library, and public safety is directly tied to the vitality of San Marcos’s business environment” says Chamber President & CEO Jason Mock. “We appreciate the numerous presentations from Mayor Thomaides, Superintendent Cardona and other officials, providing us the opportunity to understand and analyze the need for the three separate bonds. We owe it to our community to provide adequate resources to ensure we are prepared for the projected growth.”

The Public Safety Proposition would authorize a $17,450,000 tax bond to improve facilities, renovate the 911 Call Center, relocate and construct two fire stations as well as build a fire training field. The City Library Proposition would authorize a $14,750,000 tax bond to add the proposed 29,000 square feet to the current facility including additional meeting space. The Schools Proposition would authorize a $107,300,000 Bond Package that would add classroom space, buildings, a transportation facility, and implementation of additional energy management systems. 

The San Marcos Area Chamber encourage members to vote ‘yes’ on all Propositions.












“Phishing” what is it, how do I recognize it, and what do I do?

By: Samantha Brown

Before joining the staff at the San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce I spend 3+ years working for the United States House of Representatives and each year I was required to do annual security training, with emphasis on email; specifically, phishing.

During my tenure in Congress we experienced the largest breach in federal staff security ever, with 21.5 million federal employees, contract employees, applicants and family members having their information stolen (per the Office of Personal Management, OPM) and at a great cost to the American people as tax dollars currently fund the credit monitoring for all effected.

Government agencies of all sizes are a target, they keep records for a sizeable amount of personnel and usually have more extensive personal information than private companies. Unfortunately, private companies are not spared from phishing.

What it is – people spoofing relevant email address in hopes to collect personal information for tax fraud, security clearances, and virus implementation.

How to spot it – Phishing emails typically come from an “inside” email asking for, specific data or come with a subject of “urgent” or “account needs to be verified”. Any email asking for your Social Security Number is suspicious, if there is a link to verify, be weary. Be cautious, these emails look legitimate but are often slightly off. If an email requesting personal information from your employer comes through, but is not from a specific person you recognize, take note. Look for discrepancy in name spelling and what they are asking for. E-mails usually come with note of urgency ” immediate action required”.

What you can do – Call the department requesting the information and verify the request. Call the person you received the email from and validate the email. If no one recognizes the request; do not answer.

How to report it – First and foremost contact your IT department (should you have one) so they can notify staff. Notify all superiors as soon as possible so they can also alert staff to “phishing” and then subsequently notify their banking entity for fraud monitoring.

Forward all suspected phishing emails to

For more information and additional resources please visit

If you have additional questions please send them to

San Marcos Chamber of Commerce Announces new VP of Communications and Events

Press Release
For Immediate Release  February 23, 2017               


 San Marcos Chamber of Commerce Announces new VP of Communications and Events

 San Marcos, TX. – This week, San Marcos Chamber of Commerce President, Jason Mock, announced the hiring of Samantha Brown as the Vice President of Communications and Events. Samantha Brown joins the chamber, bringing value in media and strategic branding.

Jason Mock: “The Chamber conducted an extensive search over the past 4 months to find a professional who can move our Chamber forward in the areas of communications and marketing. Samantha has the skills and the knowledge to help lead our Chamber to a new level and build upon the solid foundation put in place over the years. Our goal is to unite the business community and advance the San Marcos community as a whole – Samantha with help the Chamber do both.”

Samantha Brown joins the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce after three years working for the United States House of Representatives in Austin, Tx.

For more than a century, the San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce has been a voice in business.  Seeking to improve the economic prosperity and quality of life in our community, members of the Chamber are working together in areas of education and literacy, business development, governmental affairs and more to improve San Marcos each and every day.
