2023 Guiding Principles

The following are the 2022-2023 Policy Statements of the San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce as authored by the Government Relations Council and approved by the Board of Directors. These Policies are deemed to be of utmost importance to local businesses and the economic health of the community and region. Chamber members are encouraged to take an active role and be involved in government affairs. The Chamber exists to be the “voice of business” at the local, state and federal level, but members need to stay active by submitting input to the Government Relations Council and Board and encouraging all employees to be informed voters in elections. 

This list of statements is not placed in order of importance nor does it
necessarily exclude others, which the Chamber Board may state at a later time.

Job Growth & Business Recruitment

Recognizing that a healthy economy will serve to encourage a positive economic impact and quality of life, the San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce believes in a fully employed business community paying market wage rates.

We support legislation that encourages diverse businesses and industries to locate in Texas, such as (1) controlling excessive and burdensome taxes; (2) providing incentives for business recruitment, retention and expansion; and 3) workforce education funding and initiatives.

We encourage the local units of government to be aggressive in using incentives that have been provided through state and federal legislation.

Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness

Recognizing that to maintain a positive quality of life, low crime rates and public safety must be a top priority for citizens and businesses; the San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce supports the efforts of the police and sheriff departments in our community.

Transportation & Infrastructure

Recognizing that the economic well-being of the business community is highly dependent upon the ability to efficiently transport people and products to, from and within the region, the Chamber promotes initiatives that improve transportation opportunities and facilities.  We encourage efforts to improve and facilitate more efficient movement of goods and people.

Health Care

Recognizing that cost-effective health care provided to area businesses and families is an essential element of successful business growth and a healthy community, San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce supports an environment in which health care remains affordable to employers and where local providers may thrive. We support legislation that helps employers regain control of the health insurance benefits they offer to employees. We support initiatives to encourage wellness and healthy lifestyles.


Recognizing that the ability of tomorrow’s workforce to succeed depends on the educational foundation we lay today, the San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce supports programs, processes, activities and facilities that promote a strong local education system that, together with business and community leadership, prepares students for a productive role in the world.

We support the protection of funding for public school, and support legislation and programs that provide career awareness, exploration and experiences for all students through activities that involve businesses, schools and community in partnerships.

We support the availability of locally provided, post-secondary education and training for area residents and customized education services to businesses.


Recognizing that job growth in the community will require housing for new and expanding families, the San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce supports efforts that will stimulate the development of an increased supply of diversified housing.


Recognizing that economic success is the result of good tax, regulatory, infrastructure, workforce, and economic incentive policies, the Chamber supports policies that reduce tax burdens for businesses and individuals.


Recognizing that water is a critical issue to the business community and all citizens in the state of Texas, the Chamber supports strategies for long-term provision of an adequate and cost-effective supply of water resources.

Racial and Social Equity

Recognizing the responsibility of all business and civic leaders to participate in efforts to remove barriers to inclusivity; we support programs and initiatives that strengthen inclusion and success for all citizens.

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NOTE: 2024-2025 Policy Statements are in the process of being developed by the GRC.

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